Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College And Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program

十大正规赌博平台大全, we recognize the importance of developing strong relationships between the business community and the student community. We have been provided a unique opportunity to engage these two entities through the U.S. 美国劳工部就业和培训管理局的资助项目.


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 amended the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program to establish a Community College and Career Training initiative. The 医疗保健和教育和解法案 由奥巴马总统于3月30日签署, 2010, included an appropriation of $2 billion over four years to fund and expand this initiative.

As a result, 劳工部, 在与教育部协商后, announced the 职业调整援助社区学院和职业培训 (TAACCCT)计划.


作为一所授予副学士学位的社区大学, 特拉华理工大学有资格通过该资助计划获得资金. It provides us with an opportunity to expand and improve our ability to deliver education and career training programs that:

  1. 能在两年或更短的时间内完成吗
  2. are suited for workers eligible for training under the TAA for Workers program
  3. prepare program participants for employment in high-wage, 高技能职业

These multi-year grants will ensure opportunities for our students as they achieve the skills, degrees, 以及高工资所需要的证书, 高技能就业. 同时, the business community will be assured of a pool of skilled workers who will meet their specific needs.


在特拉华理工大学, we have the unique position of being the only community college in the State of Delaware and are fortunate to receive all four rounds of TAACCCT funding. 以下是每轮拨款的时间表及拨款水平:

  • 第1轮(2011年10月1日- 2015年9月30日):4美元.9M
  • 第二轮(2012年10月1日- 2016年9月30日)2美元.5M
  • 第三轮(2013年10月1日- 2017年9月30日)2美元.5M
  • 第4轮(2014年10月1日- 2018年9月30日)2美元.4M


每一轮的授权期限为四年. 在前三年, 每个项目都侧重于发展, 实现, 参与者的登记和完成. 去年的重点是就业、评估和成果. The emphasis for each round is on education and career training programs to accelerate program completion while providing individuals with workforce skills that are industry and research driven.



  • Developmental Education programming to assist students in accelerating remedial coursework, 比如加速学习计划(ALP)和数学中心, 为了让学生更快地过渡到大学水平的课程, 同时加快完成时间表;
  • 通过配对/主题课程整合学习的学习社区;
  • 工业研究中心 & 劳动力调整(CIRWA), that explores regionally developing industries and labor market opportunities to inform the College’s decisions regarding new program development;
  • Six programs of study that lead to certificates or AAS degrees such as 可再生能源-太阳能, 信息安全, Powerplant, Sustainable Landscaping, Energy Efficient Manufacturing, and Electronic Health Records.



  • Nurse Assistant Training Program in which at the conclusion of this 6-credit course, students are eligible to take the Certified Nursing Assistant certification exam;
  • 副学士护理课程 in which nursing curriculum was aligned collegewide in order to deliver instruction in a concept-based format, 有多个出入口. 还包括一个加速组件;
  •  A college-level math course that was redesigned using the Emporium Model to continue to accelerated student progression towards completion.

Food Safety


  • 机电工程 AAS项目和楼宇自动化系统AAS项目,
  • 短期培训项目, 包括国家职业准备证书, 认证生产技术员, and Food Safety Certificates that enhance core competencies and provide a competitive edge in the work environment.



  • TRANE Center of Excellence 楼宇自动化系统 (BAS) Level 1 and 2 Certifications in which students will have access to state-of-the-art training in 楼宇自动化系统 and obtain stackable credentials leading to further education and employability. These stackable 楼宇自动化系统 certifications are endorsed by the National Coalition of Certification Centers.
  • Patient Care Technician Program that prepares students for national certificates in patient care, 注册护理员, and phlebotomy, 以及获得心肺复苏基本生命支持的认证. This program is the only one of its kind available in the state that allows students the opportunity to obtain these three national certifications in one program.

The programs offered through each grant round are intended to help prepare low-wage, unemployed, 以及失业工人. 这项补助金惠及特拉华州商界, Delaware Tech, and the general population and will provide a skilled workforce for the future of the state. 由于这笔资金, Delaware Tech has improved its ability to deliver education and career training programs that 能在两年或更短的时间内完成吗, are suited for workers who are eligible for training under the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers program, 并使项目参与者为高薪就业做好准备, 高技能职业. 

Each round of TAACCCT has enhanced employer partnerships throughout the State of Delaware as well as throughout its communities in providing skill-relevant, knowledge-enhanced individuals to grow the workforce and become a part of Delaware’s future growth, sustainability, and prosperity.

Grant program deliverables created or modified under the 职业调整援助社区学院和职业培训 (TAACCCT)计划s will be available through


这个劳动力产品是由美国政府资助的.S. 美国劳工部就业和培训管理局. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. 劳工部. The U.S. 劳工部不做任何保证, warranties, 或者任何形式的保证, 明示或暗示, 十大正规赌博平台大全这些信息, 包括链接网站上的任何信息,包括, 但不限于, 信息的准确性或完整性, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, 持续可用性, or ownership.


(302) 857-1696

Kelly Davis
首席研究员和项目主任,TAACCCT 2
(302) 259-6868

首席研究员和项目主任,TAACCCT 3和4
(302) 857-1676